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The Power of Bundling in Ecommerce: Unleash Revenue

Written by Team Subkit | Jun 6, 2023 9:19:07 PM

In my two-decade-long journey in the ecommerce industry, I've seen several marketing and sales strategies wax and wane. But one approach that has stood the test of time is product bundling. It's simple, effective, and as it turns out, can be a significant driver for business growth. In this article, we'll explore why bundling is so powerful and how it can unlock your ecommerce business's revenue potential.

Bundling is the practice of selling multiple products together as one combined package, often at a lower price than if purchased individually. It's a familiar concept, with its roots going back to the days of 'meal deals' at fast-food restaurants and 'movie combo' offers at the theater.

Why does bundling matter in ecommerce? The statistics speak for themselves. According to a recent report, businesses that have adopted product bundling strategies have seen an average increase of 30% in their profits. An eye-opening figure, isn't it? The best part is that this isn't a preserve of the 'big guys.' Ecommerce businesses of all sizes can leverage bundling to boost their bottom line.


The Psychology Behind Bundling

Behind the success of product bundling lies some intricate psychological underpinnings. Understanding these will provide you with the necessary context to effectively implement and leverage bundling in your ecommerce venture.

Perceived Value and Bundling

The first principle that makes bundling an impactful strategy is the perceived value. Bundles are seen as offering 'more for less,' which is a highly appealing proposition for most consumers. They may actually spend more overall, but the perceived saving makes it seem like a deal too good to resist.

Years ago, in one of my previous ventures, we offered a bundle of three ebooks, each priced at $10. Individually, the total would come to $30, but we offered the bundle at $25. The actual saving was $5, but the bundle became our best-selling item. The perceived value overshadowed the relatively minor discount, and customers felt they were getting a great deal.

Simplification of Choice

Choice is good, but too much choice can overwhelm consumers, leading to purchase paralysis. Bundling can help alleviate this by simplifying the decision-making process. It's why curated subscription boxes have soared in popularity; they reduce the cognitive load of having to choose individual products.

Reducing Transaction Costs

Transactional costs don't just refer to monetary expenses, but also the time and effort consumers put into making a purchase. Every product a consumer adds to their cart represents a separate evaluation and decision. Bundles streamline this process by combining several decisions into one, thereby reducing transactional costs and friction.


Anchoring is a psychological heuristic where people rely heavily on the first piece of information they receive. In the context of bundling, the higher total value of individual items becomes an anchor, making the lower bundle price seem even more attractive.

Influence of the ‘Free’ Factor

The word ‘free’ has a powerful psychological effect on consumers. Even if the cost is factored into the overall bundle price, getting something ‘free’ or ‘bonus’ creates a strong perception of a great deal.

Understanding these principles and applying them to your bundling strategies will not only make them more effective but also allow you to experiment and innovate in ways that resonate with your consumers. Remember, the psychology behind bundling is as important, if not more, as the bundle itself. This will be your key to unlocking the revenue potential you aim for.

Different Types of Bundling in Ecommerce

As with any successful strategy, it's not one size fits all. Just like the products you offer, your bundling strategy must cater to the unique needs and preferences of your target audience. With that in mind, let's delve into the different types of bundling strategies you can explore for your ecommerce business.

Pure Bundling

Pure bundling is the traditional approach where you offer multiple products together as a single package, and they can't be purchased individually. This strategy is beneficial when the products complement each other.

For example, I once worked with an online business that sold high-quality loose tea leaves. We introduced a "Tea Lover's Bundle," which included several types of tea and a set of beautiful ceramic cups. The bundle was an instant hit, and we received numerous compliments from customers who loved the variety and convenience the bundle offered.

Mixed Bundling

Mixed bundling is a flexible approach that offers the best of both worlds. Here, customers have the option to buy the products individually or as a bundle. This allows customers to feel a sense of control over their purchases while also presenting them with the opportunity to save money with the bundle.

An online tech retailer I collaborated with used this strategy effectively. We offered laptops with optional accessory bundles. The bundles included items like a mouse, keyboard, and carrying case. By showing the savings customers would get by purchasing the bundle instead of individual items, we increased our average order value significantly.

Customizable Bundling

Customizable bundling is a customer-centric approach where customers can pick and choose the items they want in their bundle. This gives them a sense of personalization and engagement with your brand.

In my experience, customizable bundling works best with products that have a variety of options and are often bought together. A skincare brand I worked with used this approach. They allowed customers to pick their choice of a cleanser, moisturizer, and treatment product to create their own 'skincare routine bundle'. It became a popular choice among customers as it allowed them to customize their skincare regimen while also enjoying a bundle discount.

Cross-selling and Up-selling

While not strictly bundling, cross-selling and up-selling are strategies that can significantly increase your average order value. Cross-selling involves suggesting related or complementary products, while up-selling encourages customers to upgrade their purchase to a more expensive item or bundle.

In the ecommerce sphere, you've probably seen this strategy in action with phrases like "Customers who bought this also bought…" or "Upgrade to our premium bundle."

By understanding these different types of bundling strategies and aligning them with your product offerings and customer preferences, you can implement a bundling strategy that resonates with your customers and increases your ecommerce revenue.

Implementing a Bundling Strategy

Understanding the power of bundling is one thing, but effectively implementing it in your ecommerce business is quite another. Let's walk through the essential steps to create a successful bundling strategy.

Identifying Products for Bundles

The first step is to identify the products that will form your bundles. Here are some strategies to guide your selection:

  • Complementary Products: These are items that naturally go together or enhance each other's use. For instance, in one of my ventures, we paired a bestselling digital camera with a high-quality memory card and a durable carrying case. This bundle was a hit as it offered a complete solution for photography enthusiasts.
  • Seasonal and Thematic Bundles: Leverage seasons, holidays, or events to create relevant bundles. We once launched a 'Summer BBQ Essentials' bundle that included a variety of grilling tools and accessories. The thematic relevance made it a popular choice for customers preparing for summer cookouts.
  • Overstock or Slow-moving Items: Bundling these items with more popular products can help clear inventory and increase the perceived value of your bestsellers.


Pricing Strategies for Bundles

Getting the pricing right is crucial. It needs to be attractive to customers without undermining your profits. Consider the following strategies:

  • Discount Strategy: This involves offering a clear discount on the total price when customers buy the bundle. We used this strategy during a winter sale, offering a 'Winter Warmth' bundle of scarves, gloves, and hats at 20% off. This transparent discount was a compelling incentive for customers.
  • Value-based Pricing: Rather than focusing on the discount, emphasize the convenience, experience, or solution the bundle provides. For instance, we once bundled a laptop, printer, and ergonomic chair as a 'Home Office Setup.' The bundle price reflected the value of a comprehensive solution rather than individual product savings.

Consumer Testing and Validation

Before rolling out your bundles on a large scale, test them with a small segment of your audience or use A/B testing. This step allows you to gather valuable insights into bundle performance and make necessary adjustments before full-scale implementation.

During a launch of a new line of products, we created two versions of a potential bundle, differing only in the combination of items. We then performed A/B testing to see which bundle our customers preferred. The results were insightful and helped us refine our offering before the full launch.

Tips and Best Practices

Finally, some valuable tips to remember as you implement your bundling strategy:

  • Keep customer value at the forefront. If a bundle doesn't offer clear value, it's unlikely to be successful.
  • Do not compromise product quality. A bundle with high-quality products will always outshine a bundle with more, yet subpar, items.
  • Presentation matters. A well-presented bundle can significantly enhance its appeal. When we invested in high-quality photography and appealing packaging for our bundles, our sales saw a significant uplift.

Building an effective bundling strategy isn't an overnight task. It takes understanding, effort, and continuous refinement. But when done right, it can be a powerful tool to boost your ecommerce revenue and enhance your customers' shopping experience.

How to Market Your Bundles Effectively

You've created a fantastic bundle, priced it competitively, and you're excited about its potential. However, the bundle will only be as successful as its visibility to your customers. In this section, let's talk about effective marketing strategies for your product bundles.

Prominence on Your Website

Place your bundles where they are easily noticeable. Your homepage, product pages, and even the shopping cart page are excellent places to highlight your bundles. Use clear and compelling visuals that attract attention and pique curiosity.

For a fitness brand I was consulting for, we placed the 'Beginner's Workout Bundle' on the homepage with an engaging image and saw a substantial increase in bundle sales.

Email Marketing

Leverage your email list to promote your bundles. Send out emails highlighting the value, the savings, and the convenience of your bundles. Remember to segment your list to target the right audience for each bundle.

An electronic goods retailer I worked with had success using personalized emails, where we sent bundle recommendations based on each customer's previous purchases.

Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Utilize social media platforms to showcase your bundles creatively. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok are all excellent platforms for visual marketing of your product bundles.

Influencer marketing can also be incredibly effective. We partnered with a lifestyle influencer for a wellness brand, and the curated 'Wellness Bundle' they promoted achieved impressive sales.

Paid Advertising

Consider using paid advertising platforms like Google AdWords and social media ads to promote your bundles. Carefully crafted ads targeting the right demographics can increase the reach of your product bundles. In one of my previous campaigns, we used Facebook Ads to target a specific age group for a 'Back to School Bundle.' The ad campaign had a high conversion rate, driving substantial traffic, and sales.


Don't forget the power of organic search. Include relevant keywords in your bundle descriptions and use SEO best practices to increase the visibility of your bundles in search results.

Limited-Time Offers

Creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers can drive customers to purchase. The 'FOMO' (Fear Of Missing Out) effect is real and can be a powerful motivator.

We used this tactic in an online fashion store for a 'Summer Essentials Bundle.' It was available only for the summer months, which led to a sense of urgency and boosted sales.

Effective marketing of your bundles requires a good understanding of your customer base, creativity, and regular monitoring and adjustment of your marketing strategies. It's a significant part of your overall bundling strategy and, when done right, can considerably increase your ecommerce revenue.

11 Case Studies of Successful Bundling

For your final dose of inspiration, let's look at some real-world examples of successful bundling in ecommerce. These case studies illustrate the power of bundling and how businesses have used it to increase sales, boost customer satisfaction, and clear inventory.

Tech Titan: Apple's Masterstroke

Apple has successfully used bundling as a part of its business strategy. They offer the option to bundle several of their services, like Apple Music, Apple TV+, and iCloud storage, into one convenient package known as Apple One. The bundles not only offer a discounted price compared to the individual services but also simplify billing and management for customers. This clever strategy has led to increased user engagement across Apple's platforms and boosted their service revenue.

The Subscription Success: Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club disrupted the shaving industry with its subscription-based model, offering a bundle of shaving essentials delivered to your doorstep every month. The convenience, combined with the cost-saving aspect, led to explosive growth for the company and a loyal customer base.

Clearing Inventory: Old Navy's Bundle Sales

Old Navy has effectively used bundling to move inventory. By creating bundles of slow-moving items and pricing them attractively, the company was able to clear excess stock while providing value to their customers.

Enhancing Shopping Experience: Sephora's Beauty Kit
Sephora has mastered the art of bundling with their themed beauty kits. Whether it's a skincare routine kit or a holiday makeup set, their bundles offer customers the chance to try a variety of products at a lower price. This strategy has not only increased their sales but also enhanced the overall shopping experience for their customers. Intelistyle uses AI to offer a “complete the look” option for each clothing product.

The Personal Touch: Nike By You
Nike took bundling to the next level by offering a personalized experience. With Nike By You, customers can customize their shoes, effectively creating their own 'bundle' of features. The strategy creates a strong connection between the brand and its customers, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Big Box Grocery Stores
Next time you go to your favorite big-box grocery store, take a look in your deli section. You’ll most likely see a refrigerated area/island in the middle area. That area holds pre-made dinners that bundle products from several sources — meat, vegetables, and a carb.

Amazon's "Frequently Bought Together"
Amazon's bundling strategy is one of the most recognized. They use data from their vast customer base to create custom bundles. The "Frequently Bought Together" and "Customers Who Bought This Also Bought" sections are effectively cross-selling and up-selling strategies that drive customers to buy more than they initially planned. This intelligent use of data-driven bundling has significantly increased Amazon's revenue per customer.

Blue Apron's Meal Kits
Blue Apron, a meal delivery service, leverages bundling to provide value to their customers. They bundle together ingredients for individual meals, saving their customers time and reducing waste. By providing a convenient solution for meal planning and preparation, Blue Apron has been able to build a loyal customer base and grow their business.

Nintendo's Game Bundles
Nintendo has effectively used bundling to drive sales of its gaming consoles. By bundling popular games with their gaming consoles, they have been able to offer additional value to customers. This strategy has not only helped drive sales of their consoles but also provided exposure for their games.

Glossier's Skincare Sets
Beauty and skincare brand Glossier has seen great success with their skincare sets. By bundling together products that are part of a skincare routine, they've been able to offer convenience and savings to their customers. The bundles have also allowed customers to try multiple products, which often leads to future purchases of individual items.

HelloFresh's Recipe Bundles
Meal kit company HelloFresh has effectively used bundling to simplify the meal planning process for their customers. They bundle together all the ingredients needed for a recipe, making it easy for customers to prepare meals at home. This convenience has been a driving factor in HelloFresh's growth and popularity.
These case studies illustrate how bundling can be used effectively in various industries and offer different types of value to customers. When implementing a bundling strategy, it's important to focus on how the bundle can provide convenience, savings, or other benefits to your customers. When done right, bundling has the potential to significantly increase your ecommerce revenue and customer satisfaction.

Risks and Challenges of Bundling

While bundling has a multitude of advantages and potentials for growth, it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Being aware of these and proactively managing them is integral to the success of your bundling strategy.

Perception of Lower Quality

One potential downside of bundling is that it can inadvertently signal lower quality to consumers. If the discount on the bundle is too steep, customers may start to question the value of the individual items or assume the products in the bundle are of lesser quality.

To counteract this, focus on the value the bundle provides and avoid excessive discounts. Highlight the quality and benefits of the individual products in the bundle.

Cannibalization of Sales

Another risk of bundling is the potential cannibalization of sales of individual products. If customers predominantly purchase the bundle, your sales of individual items might drop.

To manage this, implement mixed bundling strategies that allow the purchase of individual items and bundles. Monitor your sales data closely to understand how bundling impacts your overall product sales.

Over-complication and Confusion

If you offer too many bundles or the bundles are too complex, it may lead to confusion and decision paralysis for the customer.
To prevent this, ensure your bundles are simple, coherent, and clearly benefit the customer. Test different bundling strategies and pay close attention to customer feedback and questions to understand if your bundles are easy to understand.

Impact on Brand Image

Lastly, improper bundling can negatively impact your brand image. If the bundles are not aligned with your brand values or do not meet customer expectations, it could lead to dissatisfaction and harm your brand's reputation.

To safeguard your brand image, ensure all your bundles are in line with your brand identity and offer genuine value to your customers. Maintain the quality of your bundles and handle any customer concerns promptly and professionally.

While these risks may sound daunting, they should not deter you from leveraging bundling in your ecommerce strategy. By being aware of these challenges and taking proactive measures to manage them, you can reap the numerous benefits of bundling while safeguarding your brand and customer satisfaction. As with any strategy, monitoring performance, customer feedback, and continuous refinement will be key to your bundling success.

Future Trends in Bundling

As ecommerce continues to evolve, so too does the art of bundling. Here are some future trends we anticipate in the world of product bundling:

AI and Machine Learning Enhanced Bundling

With advancements in AI and machine learning, we foresee an increased use of these technologies in creating personalized bundles. These technologies can analyze a customer's purchase history, preferences, and even browsing behavior to suggest tailored bundles that meet individual needs and preferences.

I'm already seeing this in action with a client of mine, an online fashion retailer. They're utilizing AI to suggest 'Complete the Look' bundles based on individual customer style preferences and past purchases. It's still in the early stages, but the initial response has been encouraging.

Augmented Reality (AR) Bundles

AR is becoming a game-changer in the ecommerce space. In the future, AR could be used to showcase bundles more effectively. Customers could use AR to see how items in a bundle would look together in real life. Imagine an interior design store allowing you to visualize how a furniture bundle would fit in your own home – the possibilities are exciting.

Subscription Bundles

The success of subscription services like Netflix and Spotify suggests that customers enjoy the convenience of receiving bundled services for a monthly fee. We expect to see more ecommerce businesses explore subscription-based bundles, offering customers regular delivery of curated products.

One of my clients, an artisan coffee company, is planning to launch a 'Coffee Lovers' monthly subscription bundle that delivers a selection of global coffees to subscribers. We believe it's an excellent way to keep their customers engaged and excited about their products.

Sustainability-Focused Bundles

As sustainability becomes a crucial factor for many consumers, we anticipate more bundles centered around eco-friendly products or sustainable practices. This could include bundles of products made from recycled materials or "zero waste" bundles that help customers live more sustainably.


In conclusion, the future of bundling in ecommerce is bright, with technologies and trends opening up new possibilities. Staying ahead of these trends and being ready to adapt your bundling strategies will be key to maintaining your competitive edge and continuing to deliver value to your customers.

Bundling in ecommerce can significantly boost revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve inventory management. Successful implementation requires understanding customer behavior, strategic pricing, effective marketing, and staying ahead of emerging trends.